Wednesday, December 29, 2010


An applied kinesiologist showing how to do a m...Image via Wikipedia
May people health issues stem from several different areas of outside a persons life.
Using a comprehensive and wholistic approach involving Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology evaluations in addition to standard evaluations, I have been able to help a number of patients with their health care issues. Finding the cause of the patient’s health complaints has always been our goal. In the constant search to find the cause of health complaints, I have found four components that are consistent in a majority of health complaints: 1) Neurological; 2) Chemical; 3) Emotional and 4) Environmental. These are the four components most often connected to the cause of a patient’s health complaints. The automobile accident, slip & fall accident, sports related injury, work related injury, chronic illnesses, aches & pains, organ & gland dysfunctions, infections, allergies and destructive conditions all have a cause that is connected to these four components.
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