Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cloning Meat

Public domain photograph of various meats. (Be...Image via Wikipedia The farming community is going through some sort of change. The meat that is being sold in the grocery store could be cloned meat. Cloned meat is genetically engineered food that is made in the labortoary without the live natural birth of animals. The United States meat industry along with the dairy industry has been tampered with, and cloning meat is at the top of the list .

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Europe Could Be Eating Cloned Meat and Dairy Right Now

Whether you think it's cool and futuristic or gross and immoral, cloning can yield leaner, healthier livestock. And the Times reports that some cloned meat and dairy products are already thought to be lining Old World supermarket ...

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FDA: Cloned Meat, Dairy Possibly In Food Supply News

The FDA has admitted that meat and milk from the offspring of cloned mammals such as cows, pigs, goats and sheep could very well have already entered the food supply in the United States. ... In January, the FDA declared that foods ...

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Cloned meat on the market?

The FDA says it plans to make meat and milk from cloned animals safe.

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